Who We Are

Paige Coker Heiman, Deal Architect

At 5, Paige asked for a working cash register for her birthday, so she could set up a store in her bedroom and sell her stuffed animals the necessities they needed to get through life. Seriously.

At 10, she leased and operated the Coke machine in the break room of her Dad’s lumber mill. Only problem was the business proved hard to scale given she didn’t drive, and her Dad only had one mill.

By 15, Paige had saved enough money and bought her first car — a beautiful navy blue, 2 door Jeep Cherokee – a year before she could get her license. Good to be prepared.

At 20, she graduated from college, again early, and talked the managing — and founding – broker of the most dominant firm in her market to give her a job as his licensed assistant. Yes, she was already licensed.

Turning 25, she already had her CCIM – one of the youngest people, let alone women, to ever earn the certification – had made equity partner in that same dominant firm, and became the only person, outside of the founding brokers, to be elected to a permanent term on the company’s board.

By 30, Paige had founded and was running her own firm, Acquire, which by that time had grown to include residential real estate and exclusive vacation rental brokerage arms.

While 35, she marked personally closing $150 million in transactions, just since starting Acquire.

By 40, we’ll see. That’s still a few years off, but whatever she accomplishes, perhaps she can do it in collaboration with you.